I shouldn’t even be writing this post as it’s November and I’ve committed to write 50,000 words by month end, but I thought it would be right to publicly state that I’m in it to win it. I’m into my second novel now, making progress but I’m only a little over 10% there, on my fifth day, so I need to pick up the pace.
For some reason today, I’m not firing on all cylinders, so I didn’t get that much done. I’m hoping I’ll gain more ground during the weekend. I have a troubling work week ahead, so that might be weighing a little heavy on my heart right now, but I’ll keep plugging away.
So here I go, on my way,.. I hope, to a 50,000 word count by the end of the month. Yikes!!
November 5th, 2015:
2nd Novel, 1st Draft: Burt’s Bots
Word Count: 5,493